Term Break - La Guitare
Time flies fast, the next moment you know while approaching a busy period is when you actually felt carefree after it.
My last update was during the early nov, now, it's mid dec, closing in xmas. Just how i wonder why we chinese cant hang the new year's decor thruout the years, it just seem to fly pass 1 by 1 in quick sequence.
Recently, i had just finished my CT exams which was quite a breeze. Exam week always seem to be the fastest to finish.
Prior to the CT week(9), i had La Guitare Concert on week 7. The annual concert never fails to bring everyone together as a group it compiles everyone with common interest, striving them to put in their fullest of efforts to give a good show for everyone. Who would participate in a poor concert whereby everyone may fell they could've been better off at home?
Although i would say that this year's concert is not as fulfilling and joyous compared to our 1st on 2005, it still proves to be something that have eternal value to look forward to. I have always loved the feeling of practicing hard before the concert, it just feel so pleasant whenever we achieve something.
Last year, we were struggling with our 2nd ensemble piece - Happy Together, it was so terrible that even in our final rehersal, we could easily tell the inferiority. But everyone worked as a group, so much so that i still cherish that feeling till this present day. Eventually, we performed much better during the actual concert, although the recorded video sounded otherwise, we felt the sensational feeling of achievement to produce something not expected during the day of importance afterall.
Since then, some of us lost the passion for guitar due to perhaps, the lost of faith of being able to play the guitar, the lack of time or that the ensemble practices are just too boring which i wouldnt disagree. We are splitted up into guitar parts, and are mostly concealed into those groups till the concert rehersal days closes in.
Nevertheless, I do hope that everyone of us could play together again for the last concert in our last poly year - La Guitare 2007. Those are moments most cherishable in life.
This year, i was involved in a quadruplet, with zuyi, jx and gab. I was worried about it as we entered the week of rehersals and concert. We did not practice together(4 of us) for more than twice as i could remember. We were badly off the pace and did not actually finish playing the whole piece as a whole. It felt as though it was better to cancel the item although i would have dreaded it. But we practically practiced thruout the whole of all rehersals whenever we were able to.
Slowly, we practiced and eventually finished playing the song as a whole, and tried to work on the dynamics. It was great that all 4 of us just wants to play the piece better everytime we did play and to seek perfection.
The greatest moment while practicing was when we were at the coridor of the holding rooms - Our instructor(Michael) happened to pass by to listen. We played with such great emotions and felt as though the music came alive, crying while in sorrow, and roaring with cheers during joyous parts, the instructor praised us, much better than the lots of times we had been playing, and we knew it. After we finished the piece, the feeling was so sensational that we could just sit there to enjoy that moment.
It has to be the 1st time i felt such sensation while playing the guitar, my heart pounded as though it was out of control. We just felt the music inside us.
However, we did badly during the concert, gab missed the starting bar, i knew it and tried to notify zuyi by whispering, but he got lost for a moment and only got back during the melody portion. I too screwed up two chords, i have been sight reading the chords did not memorise till the last minute, this eventually backfired as we agreed not to put out the files. Although some disappointed comments came from Andri and Michael who heard the errors vividly, we perhaps, can derive some relieve that it sounded alright to our friends who came for the concert.
The concert came to a fine end, although it was very short(1hr or so), most of the audiences should be able to leave with a pleasant impression judging from the feedbacks of my cliques yea?
*Sometimes, you just wish that somethings could have been redone. Sometimes, you just wonders whether somethings could have been better off with a different approach. But most of the time, you could only wonder and accept reality. Whether it may be better or not, it's always good to take things in our stride and move on, regardless of the countless regrets we may have thought about, it's just part of life which never fails to convince us that we cannot encounter or experience everything. It is only best to look at precious moments instead of regrets*
Zhu, here's the update as promised
no Bian Tai stuffs for u, just la guitare :P