I just woke up from a rest which i usually don't as i don't like to spend time sleeping. But this time around, it's different, my brother played call of duty which is a 1st person view game and it got me dizzy, with a bad headache, thought of vomiting and sweating away. I got my handphone and went to a sofa, lie down, plug the ear pieces into my ear and got off to rest. It got me asleep with a dream that made me felt worse, the headache got worse, the head felt hot, pain, so hard to endure that only got away after i woke up, seemingly, i felt the pain even though it was a dream.
That apart, i realised something i posted was not in my blog. Maybe it's fate not to post it yet. That may be good too though, because the more i lose respect for the things that person do, the more i will repeat the uncontrollable mistake of losing a friend, i just got to be a by-looker, get along with it, but how will that person know his faults? It's not that i love to be a judge over what people do, i hate it, but it just comes, whenever something happens, i seek a conclusion to it, about what people seek in what they do. Greek.
Anyway, after waking up around midnight from my rest, i browsed through the IRC conversation to see what i had missed. Well, not much, but saw some minor bad stuff.
One of my friend (a) asked the other friend (b) in a middle of lengthy conversation between both of them whether he can create something, and "create something" is pretty obvious about what he wanted, a wc3 game, that's about the only thing (a) could have wanted (b) to do, becoz that's the only thing needing a host, with (b) mostly being the only one hosting. His motive is clear, (a) want to play a game. (b) asked, "like?" and (a) replied , "some game", "like dota?", or some other nonsense". After replying a question "like?", would u be expecting a reply? but (b) replied only 30mins+ later, not to that question, but with a lol not relating to the question but to (c)'s message about gunbound. (b) continued with, "hmm", "anything do?" with (c) later on replying, "we can dota", "one game", "it has been a long time since i dotaed", "if not", "i am going to gunbound". (b) then "hmm" without a definite answer and never spoke again.
What i want to say here is that we should be taking notice of the way we relay our conversations, the way we should response to people question, be it wanting or not, we should give an answer to let the other party have a plan about what to do instead of waiting a few mins and concluding that he has been ignored due to some reason. We may have such habits too, but i think, none as bad yet as (b)'s becoz it has been quite persistent. I mean, he could have replied yes or no to his wishes instead of ignoring or trying to avoid that mere "game asking" question. Why didnt i say, went off to do something and 4got about the question or question which sometimes happens on us as well? becoz it has been quite persistent. As for the few mins thing, well, (b) loved to say things like that for minor stuff, not a few minutes, but wasting time, like taking public transport or some sort. That's a copied stuff, but something is different here. One is bobian (no choice) while the other is just not taking note of it.
*Respect is important because words from an unrespected person are vile. Be it jokes or some opinions, it become substantially unappeasing. Perhaps a brillant one will fare well, but how many brillant stuff are there for someone to absorb from someone that lost respect*
*How would we salvage something that had been broken down into pieces, just trying to get along with it, and not trying to infuse more conflicts that would eventually trigger the spinner of a grenade?"
*You reap what you sow, whatever evil you do a few decades ago will not gain sympathy from whatever you deserve injustically a few decades later, let alone a few years. Deserve what you did, that's what i believe, so don't expect me to be a forgiving type, Especially major ones, we shouldn't expect anyone to be forgiving, because you did something that is needing to be forgiven, but minor stuff? no one should be that petty, but yet again, the differences between major and minor differs in everyone*
As i was typing, i saw a message in IRC. (x) pasted a ban confirmation from an IRC football IRC channel with (y) being the victim. (y) then declare innocence and was asked by (x), why was he banned, (y) replied, "how i know", "lamers". (x) continued, "last time got kicked?" and (y) followed, "that was ages ago", "narrow minded losers". (y) knew what he did, and i knew too, because i was around when he and another friend, or two more friends were bored and childish enough to go into football fans' club channel to type some infuriating words about their clubs. He did something to them and he deserved that outcome, that's what i wanted to tell him, and (x) said don't argue already, i replied quite frustratingly because everything should be explained and cleared up. With (x) knowing what i meant, he wanted to clarify that but with an addition that i would be wasting time telling (y) about what he had done, because he would not care. That may be true, but we should all at least make an effort, that's what i thought. It hurt abit between (x) and me even though it's a small matter, but after being friends for so long and becoming like a family in EoD, all small matters become seemingly big. I respect (x), even though not in games and it doesn't feel right to get any conflicts just because of a small matter, but what is done is done. That's all i have to say.